Since content is such a critical component to your digital marketing strategy, it is important to start with a strategic approach to content amplification. Once we create your valuable content, Cartography Digital takes an owned, earned, paid approach to sharing your content. We first post it to channels that you own, such as your website and social media profiles. We also “shop” your content to various online media outlets and influencers in order to encourage coverage and backlinks. Finally, we leverage content discovery engines, press wires, and other tools to help your content get discovered by those who are looking.


Once your social media strategy is complete, Cartography Digital will leverage both paid and organic social media to grow your audience and drive results. With some of the best targeting capabilities in the world, social media advertising offers one of the best ways to reach your specific audience with the right message at the right time. In addition, Cartography Digital takes a 6-step approach to growing your organic social media audience: publishing great content, syndicating your content, monitoring online conversations, engaging in meaningful dialogue, converting visitors to followers and subscribers, and nurturing relationships in order to create long-term results.

Organic search is primarily used by consumers as a tool for researching options for a particular product, service, or idea. As a result, over 70% of searches result in a page one organic click. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the organic search ranking of your website to ensure that you are being found when potential customers are looking. While almost any firm can help you address your on-page SEO, or improving the architecture and content on your website, Cartography Digital specializes in off-page SEO, which focuses on earning backlinks through outreach and digital public relations (PR). These backlinks still make up the vast majority of Google’s search algorithm.

When consumers are ready to make a purchase, two thirds of them will click on local or paid search ads. Paid search is also an important tool for testing keywords to discover what works and what doesn’t so that these keywords can be optimized in organic search. Once your search strategy is created, Cartography Digital will build out your paid campaigns, ad groups, and ads so that you can optimize the results that you receive from the money you spend in paid search. Our team specializes in getting you the lowest cost per lead or cost per acquisition possible.


Once your email strategy is complete, Cartography Digital works with your team to create a consistent email communication process. First, we work with your team to select the right tool for email and marketing automation. Then we concentrate on list cleaning and maintenance to make sure you have valid emails to start with and that you maintain a valid list. Next, we focus on list building and segmentation by creating reasons for consumers to opt in and the right filtering to make sure they end up on the right lists within your system. Then, we build custom messaging and schedules for each of your audience segments to make sure each audience gets the right message at the right time in order to drive sharing and conversions. Finally, Cartography Digital works with your internal team to distribute email messages to your audience segments on a regular basis.


While banner ads can be seen as annoying and intrusive, if done right, they can be an effective tool to drive awareness. However, banner advertising can also be an expensive tactic unless you understand the right technologies and targeting to use. Cartography Digital specializes in cost effective digital media buying that helps you inform the right audiences at the right time with the right message. This includes retargeting, remarketing, programmatic buying, direct placements, site partnerships, and more.